Januari 13, 2010

faded away

A picture, captured to keep the smiles, A video, taken to save the moments, A memory kept so it can be seen again, To laugh, to smile, or even to cry on it. I still have the picture, I still keep the video, I still play the memory, everyday. But, apparently those kind of things aren’t in your list. Aren’t in your pocket, Or maybe aren’t in your mind..Well, it’s the choice that has been taken. I’m way too powerless to make you even keep those. Nothing’s left anymore, Not even my eyes in your eyes...My love in your heart...My smile in your face, Or my name in your lips,

*day by day I’m losing you*

Januari 12, 2010

kamu disana bersama aku semalam

Kemarin, aku duduk di tempat kita biasa duduk di resto itu,

Aku bisa liat kamu nyun,

Kamu disana, senyum di depan aku,

Kamu goda aku, “si kurus”

Aku cuma bisa nekuk muka, sambil cubit pipi chubby kamu


Kamu benar disana nyun,

Di depan aku, dengan kaos hitam kamu

Rambut hitam kamu,

Dan jenggot yang baru dicukur,

Aku bisa rasakan semua bagian tangan kamu,

Kekar namun lembut,

Aku bisa belai rambut kamu,

Seperti biasanya aku lakukan ke kamu,

Kamu benar ada disana semalam nyun,


Saat makan, kamu ambil sebagian makanan aku

Minumanku juga,

Kamu lahap nyun, aku senang lihatny

Dan voila, habis semua makanan di atas meja

Tinggal aku, tergesa-gesa menelan tempura

Berlomba dengan gemeretak jari kamu di atas meja,

Seolah-olah kamu berkata “I’m waiting!”

Kamu benar ada disana semalam nyun,


Lalu kita berjalan beriring,

Aku dan kamu saling menjaga,

Tangan kita menggenggam

Kita berjalan sambil bercerita, berkelakar,

Dan aku yang selalu membelai pipi chubby kamu,

kamu benar ada disana semalam nyun,


Atau hanya aku yang merasa, kamu benar ada disana semalam bersama aku

Aku kangen kamu,

Semua hal dari kamu,

Semua hal dari kita yang terenggut jarak dan takdir,

Jangan marah karena aku masih lemah,

Aku memang lemah, jika menyangkut kamu nyun…

Maafkan aku karena aku terlalu rindu kamu.

Januari 08, 2010

miss call

My dad loves to call his child everyday,

Sometimes he calls more than 3 times a day,

Just to hear the sound of his child,

What a simple reason,


He misses us, actually

He wants us to call back,

To ask him, how are you today Dad?

Just that simple question,


I know, he’ll sad when he can’t reach his child on the phone

But he never stops and keeps on trying,

Until we finally answer the phone,

With unexcited expression,

But that’s ok for him,

He’s already satisfied,


Communication is the most important in building a strong relationship,

Parents to their children,

Friends to friends,

Couples to couples,

Or even human to their only God,


From now on, I promise you Dad

I won’t hang up a phone on you,

I won’t deliberately ignore your miss call,

And I won’t let you worrying about me,

I’ll tell you where I am,

I’ll tell you what I’m doing,

And I’ll be happy to ask, how are you today?



I don’t want to make you sad,

coz I do feel the way you feel when I can’t reach him,  





Januari 07, 2010


When I see the dark of the night, I remind of you,

When I see the light of the day, I still remind of you,

- mine -


I have a heart puzzle in my drawer,

I have been doing the puzzle for more than one season,

Imperfect, but priceless,

Impatiens, but memorable


I used to play it with partner

Both of us love to find the right puzzle to be fill in,

Sometimes we laugh,

We argue, or even cry…in finding the perfect part,

Now, I miss my puzzle partner a lot

As a lot of grains in a barn,

As a lot of stars in the sky,


Miss the laugh,

Miss the smile,

Miss his scent,

Miss his presence, 


When will we play the puzzle again?




unspoken jealousy





Ato transletan simple nya “cemburu” ,

Lagi penuh berdesakan di pikiran saya,



Mereka mampir siang dan malam,

Ga pake alasan, gada…

But wait, I have one strong reason actually,

Non imaginer reason I made,


Memang, kemarin saya tidak jujur

Bukan karena saya suka berbohong,

Tapi karena saya ga mau buat masalah ini jadi besar,

Walaupun sebenernya hal ini jadi ganjalan saya sekarang,


Cemburu saya ini karena sms di inbox dari seseorang (katanya) teman

Dan juga ucapan “sleep tight” di sms balasan ke orang yang sama yang (katanya) teman,

Mata saya terasa panas saat itu,,

Saya hanya bisa diam, ga berani bertanya ke si empunya henpon


Sekarang, kata “cemburu” yang lebih senang saya biarkan berjejal di otak, dibiarkan terlepas

Biar ada yang tau,

Biar saya lega,

Memang dulu saya pengecut dan bodoh,

Tapi sekarang saya lebih berani dan cerdas,

Untuk kebaikan saya sendiri,

Biar saya tenang dan tidak ber-negative thinking lagi,

Today, I admit that I’m jealous

Today, you know the reason why I’m jealous

So, do you have anything to say?

Coz I do have 3 simple words to say to you,

* I love you*